all of history deleted with one stroke

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Word Count → 000

Pulling Dymtr closer to her, she laughed, and then she glanced up to Leon and saw it was true confusion. 'You haven'tear of Christmas' she questioned, frowning. With a shake of her head Io spoke again, eager to move on from the situation before she found herself forced to explain, 'Disregard it. Will it be finished by late December. No doubt Leon would question what was so significant about late December, though Io didn't want to explain something she found so trivial. If he wanted to know about it so much why didn't he jsut go look it up himself. Though it was laughable, a Spaniard. One of the most Christian communities and his family were one of the only ones who didn't celebrate it.

Dymtr didn't seem too bothered by the strange word, he merely sat next to his mother, watching his 'father's' confused face. Jandro however shared his father's puzzled appearance, though Io assured that it was merely him striving to copy his father. 'Da? Sup?' he called, creeping over and nipping at his hands. Io found herself shaking her head, 'Leave your father alone, he has been working' she ordered softly. Dymtr yapped out a back up, standing up and trying his best to look tough, 'Ya'.

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