you can have my soul for a dance

WC :: +303

OOC ::

He finished the last of the rabbit leg as he listened to her talk, and just as he suspected she didn’t feel right at the mansion. Thought disappointed he wouldn’t push her; he couldn’t expect her to pick up and move from her place of comfort. She then took a long pause when he asked about the pups and he wondered for a moment if perhaps he had offended her. He was about to apologize when she finally spoke, telling him that she had once thought it was possible. Did she no longer think it was? He decided to ask, What makes you think you couldn’t have puppies now? I only ask because… because… he paused, at a complete lack for words for he truly had no idea why he had asked her. Perhaps pups had been on his mind because of Halo’s new ones, or perhaps he was wondering if he had any half-siblings out there now; he had left his father with a very pregnant mate.

He gave her a funny look before grinning, I think you’d be a great mom, I think it’d be possible. He knew it would be a risk, but Luperci bodies were strong and sturdy; she could probably bring a pup or two to term no problem is she stayed in her Optime form. Helotes thought it would be interesting to see how Zana would act like a mother… and he as a father.

This thought struck him hard and suddenly Helotes lost balance and fell from the bough straight unto his back. He gasped in pain as the wind was knocked out of him and he laid there for a moment paralyzed before falling into fits of laughter. How silly he was, thinking that perhaps he and Zana could… he must be losing his mind.

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