the stars are all afire

Ithiel carved a bit of meat off the shoulder for her, is in the last sentence of my previous post. ^^ No worries.

Ithiel is by Kitty!

He watched her with the same impassiveness, thinking all her creeping and crouching was for naught. He was perceptive enough to realize there was some kind of ruse going on here, but he was not quite so perceptive as to be able to say just what it was. Still, he did not think he was in any danger -- at most, he could lose his kill. Zedekiah could take to the trees, Lystra could outrun the hybrid, and Ithiel could take care of himself. If she took something he cared about -- his bow, perhaps, or his stock of arrows -- he would give chase, but that was all. It hurt him to see a woman of coyote blood walking with wolves, but he could no more sway her than he could divert the rivers and stay the tides.

Perhaps not, he agreed, and pointed rudely with the tip of his knife at the piece of meat he'd given to her. There is more here than I can eat, and more than I care to take. Would you have it? he inquired. I would not table long with one who walks the wolf way, but I cannot deny you, lady. The speech was clearly fusty, but Ithiel would have it no other way. Few seemed to elevate women to their proper pedestal these days -- he would do so gladly.

The next gesture Ithiel made was to the deer's carcass, but this time, he used his hand to gesture rather than the bloodied knife. Zedekiah muttered at his side and took a few wary hops away from the strange canine. He had little taste for strangers, even when food was involved. His distaste for strange canines outweighed his taste for red meat, apparently. Ithiel did not blame him for this; the coyote felt similarly.

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