
Her wanderings had brought her far east of Anathema, as as she had traveled the landscape became desolate. A fire had happened here in the not too distant past, and it’s mark still laid waste to the trees. But the spirits here… the spirits here sang. Their chorus carried in the cold window and wrapped around the collie shaman like a blanket. Some of the souls were angry, vengeful, but others were at peace, but in a limbo, waiting for the earth to replenish itself.

Today was a good day for Zera’im, she was feeling stronger, though her cough persisted. Luckily, the cloth mask she wore over her muzzle was not stained red with her blood, but instead was clean; perhaps she was getting better. She had been self-medicating herself with mint tea and any red berries she could come across. It helped a little, perhaps she had caught the disease in the nick of time.

Zera’im rounded a bend, the click of the butt end of her scythe ceased to hit the ground as she saw a small figure by a lone tree. It was a pretty Luperci girl, what was she doing way out here? Then again, what was Zera doing here either? Zera’im called out, her deep voice carrying, Hello there! She then headed towards the girl to meet her properly.


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