tear gas riot song.


Eris is by Poppz!

The dark-furred hybrid had not been avoiding Siv, exactly, but perhaps she had been careful to wander away at any indication the newly inducted Family member was headed her way. She had made no move to seek the sable woman out, either. Eris wasn't sure if that could be called avoiding Siv, exactly, but perhaps it was, all the same. After dipping forward to receive and deliver their customary nuzzles, Eris smiled, although it was a shade of her usual devilish grin. Molcaxitl bent to the fire and put another small log upon it, though she dared not interrupt the palaver of her superiors.

She did flick her ears back, showing a tinge of remorse in withdrawn ears and a look of faintly troubled consternation. I will seek you, Siv -- I did not realize I was making myself quite so unavailable to you, Eris added, though this was as big a lie as if she'd said two pale white wolves stood here conversing. The dark woman did not apologize for her transgression, and she did not exactly admit fault, either -- the sable Auxiliary was not so careless as to openly admit having ignored one of their family, especially not to that ignored soul's face.

My son, who surprised me and the world -- he will keep me busy, as will winter, but I will seek you out, the coyote said, perfectly aware such phrasing might spin an accusation back around to her silver-tinged packmate. Who was Siv to demand her persence, if Eris had a child to care for? There was, of course, no direct accusation within the sable Auxiliary's words. She was not so careless as to state such a thing openly, but the implication was there, if her larger companion chose to detect it. What brings you this way? the coyote inquired. Surely not my scent alone?

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