In The Cold, Cold Night

WC: 400+

I’d like cave 02, if that’s all right. Also, I wanted to ask, does the 20 posts needed to progress to a rank start with my joining thread? You don’t actually have to reply in this thread if you want to finish it, just PM me or something. Thank you! Big Grin

Finn almost recoiled in shock when Naniko pressed their paws together, but pride made her stand still as their blood mingled. Curious. Some sort of pact, then? There was a lot of symbology in the exchange of blood, mostly implying familial ties. Finn felt the smallest of smiles come to her face. If her joining process was much the same as any other wolf’s, then it was safe to assume that this pack considered itself one large family. It was a nice thought, though Finn wondered how well she would fit in that sort of setting. The last family she had belonged to had injured her, brainwashed her, and then threw her away like yesterday’s bones.

“Thank you, Naniko. That would be most appreciated.” She murmured. Being somewhat decent with healing herself, she was loath to leave a wound untreated, especially one on the bottom of her foot, which would be most prone to infection. She followed at Naniko’s beckoning, trotting with slightly creaky strides to keep up with the two-legged wolf. She listened to the run down of duties. It sounded simple enough. Like she had said before, she was a decent enough hunter, and her pelt allowed her to be quite the sneaky lookout, so she should have no trouble there. At the mention of rank tiers her single ear flickered, as she considered what possibilities there were.

Yes, what had happened today was a good thing. Good and lucky. If Naniko had not been patrolling this particular stretch of woods… Well, Finn would have been a lot worse off. She glanced over her shoulder at Alastair, who peered out from the trees with white eyes. Finn wagged what was left of her tail to give him some measure of comfort, some indication that things would be fine. Whether he comprehended or not was unknown, but he melted into the trees almost immediately.

“I should mention,” Finn began, “That there will be a deer in the woods now. Large, red, big head of antlers. If you might let your wolves know that he is not to be harmed I would be forever in your debt. He is… a friend of sorts. A traveling companion of mine, when no one else would run beside me. I would not want my good fortune to find a place to stay mean his end.” With that, she fell silent, following Naniko into the caves of Anathema, and breathing a sigh of relief as the cold began to melt from her bones. She was home.


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