M-Slaves to our Instincts
His mind went through the motions with her; apparently she had never realized what this was. When her soft recognition hit her he thought she had made the mental leap. He smiled wide thinking they were on the same page mentally as he crawled up her form. With that sneaky little smile of his before her phrase caught him off guard. He literally turned his head to the side, eyes still looking at her with the expression of *seriously?*. He knew she was innocent to something’s but this was a new one to him. Spar? At the worst he’d just retreat for a week until she was over it and come back but spar? He couldn’t get over it, before a chuckle slowly started heaving from his lungs.

“Spar?” he asked during brief laughs, “Honey you’re in heat” he said plainly enough, letting a soft lick caress across her muzzle. Saluce let his head lay down next to hers as his body slid off. One eye looking over at her with a grin across his maw.

“I wondered if you realized it, I came upon the realization this morning, why I came barreling back home looking for you. But you know what that means right? Do you want a belly full of pups or not?”

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