shake me up
His ears perked with interest as she spoke of once knowing the lands beyond the mountains. Generally he didn't speak much of his past but now, with the woman wanting to know what he knew of the lands he had no reason not to share. He wasn't speaking of his previous pack exactly, just the territories that it seemed both he and his leader had once shared common ground upon. "The fires ravished the lands. Our pack had spent much time moving from area to area for the first few seasons to find enough food and clean water to sustain us all." His voice was soft as he thought about those hard times, but he gained strength again as he spoke of the resent years. "Life is returning though.. new grasses grow, trees struggle but continue to reach for the skies.. even prey has begun to return. It's still not easy pickings but the circle is being restored it seems." A slight frown sat on his lips a moment as he wondered if he should have left his family with one less hunter, though it also mean one less mouth to feed. Now though he was beginning to think perhaps he had been selfish in his need to adventure.

She brought the smile back slightly as she spoke of his foolish frolic. He grinned and accepted her words. Perhaps it was good at times to remember that life wasn't all work and no play, but to be found out by your leader was still a bit embarrassing in his books. Though when she suggested that perhaps they take a walk along the lakeside he agreed readily. "There is no better time than now I presume, for with winter setting in a stroll about the lake might be a little dangerous soon.." His eyes turned towards the waters a moment before he joined her at a slow steady pace.

There were many questions lingering on his mind about the pack but he didn't even know where to start. Finally he spoke honestly as he asked. "The pack.. seems tense.. what has happened before I came to these lands to cause such wariness.." He turned his suns shot sapphire orbs upon her, all playfulness gone as he tried to inquire about news of his new home.

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