M-Slaves to our Instincts
Each pleasurable moment lasted an eternity, the pleasures of the flesh, so enjoyable, heightened by the fact that his sexy mate was the object of his attentions. Each enticing little squeak, those subtle actions her body moved with in reaction to his own. For a brief moment he felt the bliss of her warm soft inviting lips, joined to her as one entity before a long frustrated whine came storming out of his throat. He felt rather than saw her retreating form as the cold air once again bit down on his hardened flesh. Oh he had tried to take it slow with her, but this was borderline teasing. Those blues looked at her retreating flesh, that enticing tail hiked upward and those powerful thighs and he did another double take mentally. Time to step up he mused, as he crawled right after her, one awkwardly placed hand and knee after another.

Just as that inviting form of hers was through he surged forward, long limbs grabbing a hold of her thighs, this time his grip was held tight, to ensure she was not able to leave. His nose once again brushed against those moist inflamed lips of hers. A hot breathe was emitted then, teasing, before his tongue licked slowly upwards and retreated back into his maw. Saluce hooked an arm around her thigh, freeing up his other hand to be brought back to those empty lips. A claw traced around the edges, his rubbery pads sliding across the outer edges. Another lick was given, savoring the taste of her juices, fingers still placing across her lips. Another lick and this time it was aimed right at the heart, gaining entrance to her passage, opening his maw wider to allow more of its length to slide in.

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