white ford capri
forward date to the 2nd Dec? Big Grin

Over hills, forests and sad she roamed searching for somewhere that she could call home. The fiasco that had happened back in AniWaya was bitter on her tongue and acid in her stomach. Her new home, supposed to be her fresh start and she had ruined it already. The memory of the leader woman screaming at her was torture that twisted her insides up into knots until she felt the need to relieve herself of the things she had eater prior or throw herself from a cliff. Thankfully she did neither of these things, the latter being quite life ending.

Where was she? She didn't know. Didn't care. All she wanted was to go away. She was unfeeling, unable to give a fuck that she was walking straight towards Anathema and most likely towards her own death. Wouldn't the grey wolf Matteo had thrown over for her be pleased to see her wretched face. The girl was thinning out again from lack of food and dizziness was a common side effect that plagued her, forcing her to stumble often and need to use the trees around her as supports. The presentation of a lake to her eyes would have been a happy one if she could have dragged up any energy to feel such.

The ivory fae dropped to her knees besides the water lazily brushing the shore and took a long drink of the cooling water, oblivious to the dark colored man nearby.

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