Hot and Cold

It was foolish, it was cruel, but it was the way of life. She had been so willing to play along with his game and he hadn't minded following her into the depths of her fantasy but he knew in the end she would be left alone and he would be off on another adventure. He had no real intentions of bedding the canine, but the game was worth it alone. The thrill of the chase, the exotic emotions that mixed in the dappled light as they slide in and out of the trees. All of it would cause the dice to fall, and soon enough she would roll a snake eyes and loose it all. His eyes sparkled, she didn't know yet, but soon she would.

His heart beat with the rush of excitement, the thrill of the game, the feel of her body pressed against his as her soft whine broke the air. A slight smile fell upon his lips as she seemed so inviting, so fresh. It was a temptation that he was almost willing to chase after, but he was a breed apart from the creatures of these lands and he intended to stay that way. He gazed into her eyes for a moment before letting his body once more brush against her own as he slide past her, ignoring the woman for a moment in time as he let the game press on.

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