White Noise

WC :: +710

OOC ::

Sleep had not been restful that night. Where calm dreams or mere blackness should have been instead there was the roiling of nightmares. The visages that played over and over again in his mind caused him great pain, and though in the dream Helotes would try to shout, try to flee, it was not possible. He was forced to watch his sister get ripped to pieces in front of him by his father. Sometimes it wasn’t Ilusion but his mother he was seeing being murdered, and sometimes it was not his father but his brother Columbine doing the killed. The blood of his loved ones stained the dark ground upon which Helotes stood, rooted to the spot unable to do a thing. Then lastly, like a proverbial knife to the heart, the killer was replaced by himself, and the victim Zana. Seeing his jaws crush her tiny skull, tear off her limbs, and ravage her body Helotes wished to vomit, but like a statue just stood and watched. And then, he was coming for himself!

Helotes had woken with a start then, in a cold sweat, his fur damp from it. He sat straight up on his cot panting with the sickening imagery of the dream still burning in his mind’s eye. It took him several moments to calm himself, and he then went to make himself some tea, but finding his stash empty he decided it may be best just to walk the nightmares off. Unfortunately for him, it was drizzling outside, as it had more often than not this winter. He considered maybe taking Yegua out for a ride, but decided against it; she did not much like the rain.

All was quiet at the mansion, most of its residents most likely out doing their respective jobs and errands, though Helotes did stop by Kaena’s room, she turned up to look at him as he entered, "Helotes. What do you want?" She asked in a craggy voice that made clear that she had recently awoken herself. Helotes stared at his grandmother for a moment before walking over to her and nuzzling her softly on the head, Nothing, grandma. and then he turned and left, leaving a perplexed Kaena behind; he did not often show her such affection.

Helotes then exited the mansion and quickly made his way towards the borders made up by the shore. He had been patrolling here more often than necessary, only due to the fact that it was the last place he had seen Zana. That encounter had been strange, and unnerving, having met Zana’s sister Firefly, a bitch with quite a mouth. Helotes wanted so badly to wipe that smile off her face, and was slightly hoping that the wolf would return so he could do so. But sadly, the borders had been quiet, for the most part.

As he rounded a rocky bed however, a feminine figure did come into his view. His wet hackles rose for a moment, muscles clenched, before he recognized it to be Halo, his training master. Helotes hesitated, she seemed to be deep in thought and he was still trying to figure her out; she was so easy to anger, and hid her pleasure well when it happened. He wished he could know more about her, but after his conversation with Enkiel about her he doubted he would ever get past that exquisite shell of hers. The Lykoi male watched his sensual cousin for a moment, drinking in the site of her curves, the way her hair and skirt clung to her body. Helotes got goose-bumps, but found the courage and moved forward.

There was no need to call out to her, she would notice him immediately, her senses were keen. She had been training him hard, and it had been working; Helotes felt stronger than ever. He wondered if she would mention his having partially saved Symera a week or so ago from the attack of the brute wolf; he had killed that monster then, the first time he had killed in a long time, and Helotes relished it. The dark Lykoi male stopped by her side, bowing slightly to her but saying nothing, his attention suddenly attracted to the rhythmic beating of the gray waves.

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