where we belong
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They had left the dreadful child for the most part travelling in silence, which was fine for the soft spoken Nomad. She’d rather have the time to think to herself, and mull over what had happened some short while ago. X’yrin was never fond of aggression and to be faced with it so blatantly was appropriately unnerving. There was no doubt in her mind that had Zana not been there the results of that encounter would have been unfavorable for them and for their respective packs as a whole. Nothing stirred restless spirits more than a misunderstanding left to fester under assumption, and such was the last result the wolf wanted.

The numbing cold beneath her pads was background noise to her engaged thoughts. Even the barren twigs that snapped underfoot were unfelt though her ears did twitch to their sound. She was simply too bothered to indulge herself in Nature as she would have liked, not with that instant still so fresh on her mind. Her wandering attentions nearly caused her to slip past her stilled walking companion, and was only noticed when her peripheral no longer caught the hint of fire flickering in the corner. X’ryin paused then as well and looked to the petite female with brows peaked with curiosity. “I’m sorry?” she replied absenting, vaguely recalling her words before she was addressed again.

With what she had been witness to today, it didn’t surprise her why her actions were called into question, but then in her own defense, she hadn’t known the extent of the packs hatred for her kind… only their aggressive tendencies and nothing more. The thought of a pack bound together by a dislike of a species was troubling to her, and dare she admit it was frightening. To think her friend was a part of this madness… The woman shuddered minutely. “I am glad to say, that I do not see her with the same ‘dark edge’ as your brethren, my friend. I have known her before she came to live with you, and see her only as I did the day we met.” Carefully she lifted an umber glove to her face and combed back the wild bangs fallen in front of her eyes. “Her name is Vesper. And I saw that in confidence that no harm will come to her for her association with me.”

ooc: 395 words.


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