
Being able to sit down was a blessing and Zera’im relished the rest, as brief as it might be. Her mismatched eyes scanned the area; there was not much here save the tree the two of them were near and some more brush out in the difference. But the grasses were already thriving here, as they usually did after a fire. Though it might seem slow to short lived canines, the speed in which a natural setting replenished itself was a wonder; a whole forest could be renewed in several decades.

Zera’im turned her attention back to the girl, Ah yes, Ichika no Ho-en, I’ve heard of it though I’ve never visited. She smiled, thinking that perhaps she should go up that way, if the members were as pleasant as this Eclipse. Zera’im had avoided the packs just for the fact that she wasn’t sure how they would react to an outsider coming to them unannounced, but perhaps she should rethink on this.

The girl then peppered her with questions about Anathema and the collie smiled anew, Yes, it is dark in the caverns, but very comfortable. The inhabitants there have built themselves a modest but lovely place to live. She knew that Anathema liked to keep its business private, so she didn’t go into much detail. In fact, Zera’im had not much wandered the caverns, choosing instead to remain solely in Panda’s quarters or visiting the stables. She was a guest there after all, not an official member, so she respected their territory by not snooping.

In answering the girls second question, Zera’im continued, This is my first time here as well. I traveled far east until I met the ocean and then turned around, now it seems I have come as far as I can go west. The shaman looked around again, knowing all too well that she could go further if she so wished, but it was not something she lusted after. Now that she was feeling stronger, Zera thought that perhaps she should return fully to Anathema, to look over Lillith.

The collie sighed, This place… the spirits are abuzz here. I don’t think anyone has ventured here in a long time, and now our arrival is making them all excited. She turned to Eclipse again with a smile, I believe they are attracted to your fresh and young aura. She chuckled lightly.


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