Now is not the time to give up hope.
OOC: Falling back on old tactics didn't work this time i think Wink

As much as she wanted him annoyed he seemed to give it to her well enough. His ears went flat on his head. The way she spoke to him. It wasn’t that she was right about her whole act beforehand, but it’s as though everything he had said was twisted and twirled in her words and it was all he could do not to smash her against a tree and lose his anger, because he was clearly about to do so. He wouldn’t not allow anyone new in the pack, though he’d scrutinize them surely, but he couldnt’ discontinue any new blood in their pack. He just wanted to keep those unwanted out, but he said not a word, he knew that if she just finished and had her say things would get better. That’s how it had worked before. The cuff to his ear was nearly too much, did she really think that he was her mate still, that she could still do anything she wanted to him? If anyone had any cause for hitting him it was his leader or even Orin, but not Sky.

Before he could even say anything to her she kept going, his eyes narrowing. He knew his daughters far more than she did, how much more that Titania had been to him than she knew, but that didn’t mean that things happened to make one not be worthy of a job. Titania was far stronger than he was and would be a far better leader than he would ever be. He said nothing though, though she was still tryign to get her point across her long speech diminished his anger a bit, though he was still unhappy with her words. Then she spoke again, mocking him and his hackles rose. Was she really doing this? Was she crazy? Had this whole thing turned her entirely coo coo? Then she told to grow up... grow up? Was she serious, he may be sulking, but he was doing what he did best, he kept riffraff out of the pack. And now she was telling him to grow up? He was about to bare his teeth when she spoke of beign a council woman and his mind nearly exploded, if Skye knew he had disobeyed someone over his head... well he didn’t want to think about it, although if she let off a murderer his punishment wouldn’t be mch at all. Then again she only agreed to a plea, and though he could understand why in some ways in most he hated Taliesin for requesting such a thing.

“I dont’ see where I’m scouting. A border patrol is what the guardian does, and I do that, I’ve been patrolling that of Thornbury and anywhere else there are wolves, don’t tell me what i’m doing wrong. I have to BE there to protect them. And for that to happen I need to be about the pack to do my job, so I think you best get that in your head, I’m doing my job.”

He was furious, and he wanted to kick the animal that stood near her away as it gave out a little “oooohhhh” He wasn’t much of a fan of the animals, though some cases he was fine, like the cat Element, but other than that he had not found anything smart enough oh if only he had Izzy with him right now he thought as he looked defiantly over at Sky.

“So if I’m doing everything wrong, tell me what to do that is right? You speak of unity and yet you cannot tell me what it is we need to do.... do we go and have a dance party in the middle of thornbury again? Eat a big supper in the same home? What Sky? Huh? I may be nothing but an asshole right now, but I’m not doign what i did with Argul, I’m not leaving my child, the family I have here open for another attack. If that is so wrong then chain me up and take me to Skye.”

He was through with getting bullied and battered. He let it happen because he had cared deeply about her, had loved her at one point until she chose someone over him, and look where htat ended her? Pregnant without her mate there for her and his son had killed her adopted child... He could tell something was amiss with her words, trying to bully him into seeing what he needed to see. He could see clearly, but now these days bullying was not a good option for her. He was far more clear headed than she thought and though he got little sleep he did what he needed to for his pack, he had risked his child’s relationship, and though she did have a hard tiem with this he did his best to keep her well aware that he was there for her. No what he needed was to hear what she REALLY had to say rather than the derogatory comments she threw at him.

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