. p U l S e .
[html]OOC:// She's not that old you cheeky thing XD... Not quite 5 yet, though I did get very confused the other day when I realised that she used to be a bouncy little thing who wasn't much bigger than a pup and now she's this middle aged woman XD Also: 847 words I apologise for the rambling.

The dark lady suddenly had a moment, wondering what on earth she was doing, approaching a potential complete stranger, a large complete stranger at that. Of course she remembered that this would either be a packmate and then would be civil at least as was the general practice between packmates, or they would be an intruder, in which case she had every right to speak to them and ask them their business here, and if needs be, escort them from the lands. Still in the split second it took for the male to turn around she wondered if she had made a mistake, after all what were the chances of Khaden being here along with Conri, life had never been that kind to her, and she doubted that it ever would be. Knowing that both her boys were live and well, knowing that she could try to make amends with them, that was one luxury that life would not give her, life was a cruel winding road, it was never easy to travel, in fact the small pockets of happiness in her life seemed only to have been allowed to her to make the sting of a tragedy even more potent. Life only let he be happy when it was planning on taking something away from her.
When the ebony male before her turned around rapidly, two things were confirmed to the dark lady, firstly, this was likely to be Khaden, if the scent that was so familiar and yet so forgotten hadn't been an indicator, then this male's eyes would be, the jade hue was so similar to that of Conri's eyes, of Soran's own eyes, a smile almost pulled at the corners of her mouth, but she restrained it. The second thing that was confirmed was that she had indeed made a mess of this kid, he didn't even remember her, and the way his jade eyes that were so like her own snapped with fire and the way his body tensed as if ready to launch himself at her indicated that he was not happy to see her at all. Soon enough the male did confirm that he was the obsidian fae's son by answering to his name, then the dark female could not prevent the smile forming on her lips, she raised a hand to cover it. But it would not be stifled, she could not force her face back into a neutral expression, the knowledge that she had two living, breathing sons was too delightful.
Khaden had indeed grown, he was much larger than Soran had expected, then again, she had forgotten how much time had passed, she had expected him to be the small black bundle that she had abandoned the last time she had been here. She had wished that she would find him as the tiny mewling newborn, lying beside his equally tiny sister, that she could start over with the pair of them, make amends, be the mother that they had deserved, that they had missed out on. The slender lady watched her son, the way his hackles raised the glare on his face, the long curved claws that peeked out from his toes. She trembled slightly looking at him then, he was an imposing sight, the lady curled a long finger around a loose dark curl that had escaped her braid and watched him cautiously, thinking of how to phrase her reply.
For a moment the dark lady almost didn't tell him, she wondered if life would be better, easier if Khaden never knew that she was his mother, but that was not an option, he would run into Conri soon enough and chances were that the dark fae would be looking after her red son and he would mention to Khaden that she was his mother. No, that was not an option. Besides, the dark lady did not want to lie to the boy who looked so like her, his eyes were so like hers, and he was her only child who shared her jade pelt, though he seemed to be growing to the same size as her own father, in that case he would be a large wolf, and powerful, so powerful. The jade eyed wolfess wanted the truth to be known, she hadn't come all this way to walk away from her youngest son, she wanted the chance to redeem herself, she needed to grab the opportunity that she was certain life would never give her. Soran should, and would make amends, she knew that, she could understand if Khaden didn't want to know her, if he couldn't forgive her, but that didn't mean that she wouldn't apologise, over and over if needs be.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, but which had, in reality, been the merest moment, Soran finished her musing and decided on a reply to give the dark boy standing before her. She dipped her head for a moment, before moving her gaze back into the powerful half-shifted wolf's eyes.
"My name is Soran, Soran Aatte... I'm your mother."[/html]

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