Hurry up and wait
OOC text

Zalen laid beside the body of an eviscerated deer, like a corpse himself, stuffed to the brim with fine venison. He had eaten his fill, and the rest of the pack would most likely finish off the rest, but he was so full that he could barely even bring himself to discipline any of them if they stepped out of line. Slowly, the black Alpha managed to pull himself up, licking his crimson stained maw of any remnants of flesh. It had been an easy meal, the deer had been cornered and killed quickly, it was amazing what could be done with more than one mind doing the hunting.

The large male slipped away from the carcass, managing to himself up to a slow and lazy trot. He stopped along his way to scent mark, though the borders hardly needed it now; New Dawn reeked of himself and the others. His first couple days leading the pack had been good, joyful, and full love play and carefree mirth. It was liked he had dreamed it would be, and he never wanted to let it go. His mind drifted to his new pack-mates; Thoirni, Shandom, Augustus and the others, he was so glad they were with him now, his heart was already beginning to grow very fond of them.

The black alpha was thinking about returning to the den then for a midday nap when a haunting call rang out through the air. Ears perked, Zalen took pause to listen to the song and glean what information from it he could. It was a male singing, it was a song of summons, and the voice was a little familiar. Turning then, the sable male made his way quickly towards the borders, his distended stomach no longer a hindrance. He was curious to see why it was he was being called, and when finally the bearer of the voice came into view he was surprised to see that it was Noah, a wolf he had just met recently, and a member of Ichika no Ho-en.

Zalen trotted up to the male, in a posture of relaxed dominance for he recognized him, and greeted Noah with a slight bump of the nose and a head rubbing, Noah, what is it I can do for you? the Alpha asked calmly. It would be strange that a clan as great as Ichika would be calling upon New Dawn’s aid for any reason.

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