casting such a thin shadow
:] sorry for the wait!

Bleach moved through the crisp, clear water like a fish, lingering at the bottom until her lungs began to complain. Exhaling and kicking off at the same time, the silver lady shot up toward the surface; she broke it with a gasp for air, and then a gasp of surprise. Swearing in Russian, spluttering and swallowing an uncomfortable amount of water, Bleach regarded the scarred stranger with wide eyes. She shouldn't have been surprised, since she was within the borders, but the tranquility of the morning had given her a false sense of isolation. She wasn't expecting to run into a fellow pack member! Still, his presence was not unwelcome. Backstroking to the small rapids adjacent the stranger's position, Bleach clambered onto a wide, flat rock and seated herself upon it. Then, smiling good-naturedly, she addressed him.
"Good morning, sir," said the woman, taking down her hair and wringing it out. Now that she was out of the water and could better smell him, she recognized his scent, as she had come across it throughout the territory before. Putting a face to a scent was always interesting to Bleach. Usually she could acquire a fairly accurate image of the person before she met them, and now was no different. She deduced that he would be a calm and confident man, requesting respect and willing to give it in return. So far she seemed to be right, but she intended to discover more first-hand.


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