Let Us Dream

(273) OOC: ...xD Poor Fella.

We're... building a ship? Sky's attentioned snapped back to her leader, brows pinched together in confusion. Fella copied his 'mother's expression perfectly, gawking at the leader in disbelief more than confusion, though. Why in the world would you want to build a ship!? Can't you wolves just- He didn't get to finish. Sky's foot made a bee-line for his rump and he mrowled in surprise, attention turning to Sky again. The look. Again.

He silenced and turned to sulk, wandering over a few feet away and sitting alone in his self-appointed scolding. Sky watched him go with a raised brow before turning her attention back to the leader and blind packmate. Okay. We're building a ship. Mind explaining to me why we're building a ship in the middle of winter, then? She wasn't questioning Skye, really. She was just stating the obvious; one couldn't sail in the winter and though they had a port inside their territory, that didn't mean it was usable. How were they supposed to handle building a ship, and how the heck were they supposed to manage it once it was built?

She trusted Skye, though. Though the pale wolfess had proven herself to be new at being an alphess, Sky was certain that she'd figure it out eventually. Everyone started somewhere. Her doubts were only based around Skye's lack of co-leaders, lack of council, but one of such things were remedied now. Though the younger medic still questioned the wisdom behind making her a council member, she wouldn't ever voice her doubts. She appreciated the trust, and had no plans in letting it go to waste.

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