Hurry up and wait


The silver male was ashamed of what his cat had piped up and spoken out of term, and then called Noah a stupid fool. Though Noah knew to somewhat expect it with this cat. She had always spoken freely even if the silver male had not liked it. It wasn’t something the silver male had expect to for her to change, it was just who she was. Blunt, to the point and didn’t care who she had upset. Noah could have only hoped and prayed that the black male wouldn’t hold it against him about the cat with the loose tongue.

Noah looked to the cat, knowing that what Zalen said was the law, and if Amzi was wanting to stay around Noah and help Noah just as he had trained the cat to do in exchange for food, and warmth. It was the deal that they had both agreed upon when he took her in away from the chill of a wintery death as a cub. The cat looked to Noah to see if he would say something and for once, Noah knew that this was not a time when the cat should been able to say what she wants so freely. The cat gave an irritated twitch of her tail; she and Noah would have a talk later.

The Sawtooth male reached his maul up taking in the male’s scent and allowing his to mix with his, the male knew that this was the last time ever that he would smell the pack he had just walked away from on him. He was now part of a new pack, and with that he would take on the scent of the leaders and the lands. ”I understand.” The Sawtooth male knew it was not wise at this point to ask for any favors in the lands. However, he knew if and when the time comes, he would have to ask for Rendall again for his mate.

Amzi gasped and looked to Noah as she was hearing the ruling passed down onto her, she was not allowed to sleep next to Noah? The horror! She hunted with him; she kept warm at night thanks to him. Well she did for the longest of time. ”Noah, are you really going to make me sleep outside?” The tawny colored cat asked the male. The silver Sawtooth male looked down to the cat. ”He just said in the den.” Meaning that she was more than welcomed to sleep in the trees, or even outside of the den in her own little bed, or even Noah and her could find a place where she was happy with, and she could just like the black male said find one of her own kind. It wouldn’t be that hard, and the Sawtooth male knew that she one day would leave him and start her own clan, and have a litter or two.

Looking back to the black male, the Sawtooth gave a nod. ”Where ever I am….I w..w..will work hard.” The male spoke truthfully. He would prove that just because he left his last pack that he wouldn’t just pack his bags again at the offer at something different and leave this pack just as he had just done with his other pack.

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