Hurry up and wait
OOC text

The cat seemed quite appalled by the prospect of sleeping outside the den, and Zalen couldn’t held but growl at her slightly again for speaking up when he had made it clear she was to remain silent. But he let it slide this time, and instead listened to the exchange between the two. It seemed as if this Noah wolf had some catching up to do, that he had been relying on a feline to aid him. This would no longer be the case, now he had pack mates to rely on. He was not the only scarred one, nor the only half blinded wolf in the pack and Zalen knew he would have no problem fitting in. But the way he spoke, the way he held himself; Zalen could see the silver male ending up in the low position of Omega very soon.

Zalen flicked his tail then when his newer member said he would work hard and he nodded, Come then, the den is not far off, you may rest if you wish, or meet the other. Zalen then turned and began to trot off, expecting fully that Noah would follow him. How interesting it was to think that so many wolves had abandoned their packs to join his; he must really have something special here, and it seemed as is New Dawn was becoming like a haven to those who needed it most.

Zalen glanced over his shoulder then, and let forth a triumphant howl that was short and sweet. It rang across the land announcing that a new wolf had joined him and that the rest of the pack should come to meet him.

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