[M] Touched for the very first time
.: WC 459 :.

His eyes affixed on her, flashing in the moonlight as he drank in her form, and the young alpha couldn't help but delight in his desire. She never thought he would react like this to this body, but in that moment she realized that it wasn't the form she chose but the fact that it was her that afforded her mate's desire. A smile half cocked her muzzle but turned into faux surprise as his hand slipped around her and pulled her into him.

“Ohh,” it was more of a breathy moan than a word, uttered automatically as her body pressed up against his. For a moment she leaned into him feeling the contrast of his soft sable pelt atop sculpted muscle. Breast to breast, stomach to stomach, hip to hip. She raised her hands and placed them gently on his arms, though they soon traced upwards to his shoulders, one stopping whilst the other moved to his broad chest. She was tense in his arms, but her touch was soft.

Yet she was only taut for a moment until his kisses rained down upon her and she melted. Each muscle relaxed and for a moment she was only held up by his strong arms as she moved with him, turning her head to accept each kiss with splendor. As he slowly moved down she slid one hand around his back and the other behind his neck. He brushed against her throat and her heart skipped, the rush of it's beat audible within the night. Her breathing became quick but deep and she arched her back to press her chest into him.

She never felt like this before! She loved Zalen but never like this. The feeling was invigorating, empowering. All the nights spent nuzzling and cuddling, but this was different. Titania suddenly knew a new power of her Optime form, for they could never love each other quite like this in their lupus born bodies.

She buried her hands in his fur, one massaging his back while the other grasped hungrily in his mane. Her tight lidded eyes opened half way when she felt something new; it surprised her. Yet even unexpected she was not afraid, knowing his desire only served to further arouse her. Her excitement was distinct in her scent, although it would be months before she would allow him to enter her. She gave in to this desire, unafraid of Zalen, knowing that his instincts would reign and he would not try with her too early.

Pressing herself into him as though they could become one, she slid one leg up against his, rubbing thigh to thigh. He kissed her neck, her collar, and oh, how dearly she wished he would keep moving lower.

Table by the Mentors!

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