Play Time
The small pup's eyes widened as the dog told her that the [html] tochina[/html] went on forever. Does it really? Twisting her head Dalgina stared up again, trying to see if there was an end. There was still nothing there that Dalgina could see, just the wide sky spreading above her in a captivating blue. It was so beautiful, so entrancing, but the thought of it going on without end scared her a little. It was such a large thing, and she was so small, even smaller than some of her siblings.

Nervously she scuttled under the dog's stomach, poking her head out underneath his head. I don't think it should be so big. Maybe if she was a bit older Dalgina wouldn't have found the idea so scary, but her active mind told her that if the [html] tochina[/html] went on forever it could swallow her up, and take her away from her family. Dalgina really didn't want that, even if she had been trying to do that just before the dog had shown up.

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