[M] Dark Souls
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sswm 588

Although the two of them were no longer mere strangers, they didn’t know each other where it mattered. The eyes of a viper watched him watch her, unblinking; unchanging. She didn’t have to make an effort to make herself presentable for the male eye, but that had never been her issue. She didn’t know where the individual line in each individual was drawn, and had difficulties locating it. Most thought blood ties made the opposite gender unavailable. More than one Lykoi’s eyes had traced the attractive curves of her feminine curves, perhaps involuntarily, but it wasn’t the first time she had felt the heat of Helotes’ gilded gaze take in her body. With the scent of her smaller cousin so vivid in unappreciative nostrils, it seemed clear that this man didn’t think twice before fucking members of his own family. Was this proof of indifference, or did his views relate more to hers?

Eyes followed as the male moved to take a seat as well, uninvited. She could obsess with minor details and offenses forever, but this was not what she was after. The fire that leapt along her steady pulse wished to derail her if it could, as she did not move in to release her fire in other, perhaps more pleasurable ways. The poorly disguised tone in her voice had not escaped him, as her sensitive ears were marinated in the soft, hushed rumble within the depths of the male’s throat. The answer was bold and dangerous, and though she felt her warm pulse respond to his nerve. But it was an indirect way of admitting that he was nothing but a whore. Long ears leaned back amongst the soft locks running down along her neck. What fun was it when she didn’t have to fight for it? Smelling of the other female, she had exaggerated its meaning.

”You would, wouldn’t you,” her dry words of reject clang, before she released a short, bark of a laugh. The heat in her eyes did not cool to match the words she spoke though, for had she been completely indifferent. ”Did you come to me because my cousin refused to give you seconds?” Halo was no last chance to go to if he couldn’t get his shit elsewhere. How dared he to come into her home and think he could simply get what he wanted. There was always a price to pay, and Halo was expensive her own way. Lips parted to reveal her own row of pale, cruel daggers, though there was no thunder in her throat to match his deep purr.

Your faith walks on broken glass

Halo Lykoi


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