Dawn of a New Day
Zalen Damaichu
OOC :: Alright, after Soran and Titania post then posting order is open. | WC :: +822

The Alpha shared a brief yet affectionate moment with his mate when she returned his statement of love. Every time he looked upon her youthful face he could not help but be filled with feeling of youth himself. It was one of the reasons he had chosen her, for he knew that picking someone so young might be seen as strange and offensive. But she had a strong lineage, her giant of a father having been a leader before her, and she was ripe with a rare strength and potential that just needed to be harnessed. The black male afforded her one more nuzzle before the first of their pack arrived.

He did not recognize the older female in secui that came towards them, but he did know the scent of her. This must surely be Soran’s partner, for the scent of Crimson Dreams still clung to her fur as well as the smell of the Beta. She was graceful and genuflected sincerely before them as she introduced herself and offered unto them her skills. She set before them a pack which Zalen bent down to sniff at, his nostrils filling with the odor of various herbs and he nodded before rubbing the side of his snout against hers greeting, "Well met Deuce, we appreciate your skill." He gave her a smile.

Then the deluge came and members began to appear from every crack and crevice it seemed. They gathered quickly, each one greeting the Alpha’s with perfect submission and respect. Zalen trotted out amongst them, head held high and ridged tail wagging. He greeted them all in turn, bumping noses, nuzzling and mouthing. This was his family now and there was no need to be bashful. Soran arrived as well and he made sure to go to his Beta and give her a special greeting, a long necking hug. And finally, Shandom arrived apologizing for his lateness but Zalen was too overjoyed to mind, and he wrapped his jaws over the snout of the ivory scarred male in a forgiving gesture before returning to the apex of the mound.

He looked over them, all looking at him expectantly. His chest filled with unabashed pride; he finally had achieved his purpose in life it seemed, and it was the greatest feeling he had ever experienced. He relished this for a moment more before speaking, "My friends I cannot express to you how honored I am to have you be by my side. For too long have we succumbed to the foolishness of the Luperci ways. In the distant past we were only defined by our natures, but not now. Now the others have chosen to fill their lives with the follies of the humans, who had brought about their own destruction."

The black male paced then for a moment before continuing, "I came to Nova Scotia as an orphan, alone and hoping to find a new family. But the ones offered to me were unfamiliar and grotesque. But with your strength we have managed to overcome the trends that be and stay true to our nature. We are wolves!" And he barked then making his point clear, "And we are to act as wolves." Zalen then sat down on his haunches, his voice lowering, But let it be known that there is no shame in being a Luperci; the two legged form need not be curse, but a blessing for the situations that call for it. No one should be mistreated or looked down upon because the nature of their being. His eyes scanned each individual face, making this point clear.

Then, continuing, "But there are certain creatures whose natures dictate caution on our parts. Dogs, who delight so much in their humanistic ways, their heritage having been tied to the long dead fur-less ones; and coyotes, whose viciousness and savage lifestyles are only here to destroy. These individuals, coyotes especially, must never be allowed on these lands, and must be avoided at all costs". He drew back his lips then, showing white teeth, an expression that made his decision on this matter very clear.

Zalen then turned to Titania and Soran in turn, rubbing his head against them, and his voice was soft then, "We are family here, we shall love one another and show respect at all times. It is not small thing that we like-minded wolves have gathered here to return to our roots. We are one with mother earth and forever will be her children. Loyalty, above all else, and family, before all others." He then paused, letting his soft words sink in. He had never spoken this much, and in front of so many but it came to him naturally. Then, as a beautiful finish to his words, the Alpha raised his head to the sky and let out a beautiful song into the heavens that said, "We are here! We are here! This is our land!"

i run wild, i run free
template by revo. <3


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