just go with the season
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OOC: Hey there xD And yay for SSWM! || WC +813

Prince. She’d called him. Hah. He thought. He was certainly no prince. She knew nothing of the dynamics of pack life, of the lives of wolves and their like. How could a dog ever comprehend when they themselves had become docile and frail, altered by the very man that now lay extinct rotting somewhere beneath the ground. She carried a knife, enough to make Augustus bristle with a curious loathing. Gone were the days of fang and claw in the Court, they had been replaced with the weapons of those who had once been their masters. Dogs. He nearly spat, but reigned that particular urge in, unwilling to despoil the earth of his newest haven, one that would be now and forever his home. His thoughts drifted to Caspa often of late. She was the very thing that they detested most, but was, however, one of the few to show him kindness in his first days in this new land. He owed her that at least, but even their tenuous friendship did nothing to withhold him from the glory of New Dawn. He’d embraced his new pack, as he had his new brothers and sisters. Their bond already strong despite knowing them so little. Luperci were among the ranks, but he was loath to alienate them as they had chosen to deny the life most of their kind had set up for themselves in order to return to the life of their ancestors.

He was impressed by his Alpha, especially, already revering him as wise and strong. He was everything he could have hoped for, and a far cry from the tyrant his father had been. He found his past had become less and less of an issue now that he had a new family a new pack, and one that had not been founded on hatred. It was a new beginning for some, and an object of wistful longing for others finally brought to light. Alike to a dawn that light was bright and full of promise. Augustus could feel its call pulling him from the very moment of its mention on the sable males lips. So strong was its pull that he had not even cross the borders of the Cour de Miracles to bid his farewells. Instead, he had called them in the way of those who came before. He was surprised they had even come, but they recognized his voice and soon joined him. He stood on one side of that invisible boundary, and they had stood upon the other. That itself had been a powerful act. They must have known what was coming.

He dismissed his thoughts in order to return to the task at hand. He was eager to demonstrate his prowess and had spent the larger part of the day tracking the movements of a herd of elk. Their prints dotted the earth before and behind his large bi colored frame. He had been studying their movements and was more than ready to inform his Alpha’s of his progress. When the herd came into view he took a moment to scout for those who’s movements seemed slower or more labored than the rest. At the second pass of his yellow and green flecked gaze he noted a doe of sufficient weight who seemed to have taken on a recent injury. She favored one of her hind legs and drifted further and further towards the back of the somber train of the brown beasts. He licked his lips habitually, but left her there. He would not attempt a kill on his own, not with so many brothers and sisters who, he knew, would be hungry to assist him. He gazed upon them one last time before turning tail and heading back to the den.

On his return journey he noticed an alabaster figure drawing near. His ears twitched curiously forward and he slowed pace. It was not the feminine crimson dashed form his Alphess and proceeded without dominance or submission. When he extended his snout to fill his nostrils with the scent he concluded that it was the scarred male whom he had glimpsed in the days before during the meeting of his new pack. He had been enthusiastic to introduce himself to this male even then, happy to have found a northern brother. They were of similar breed, although he was not fully an arctic wolf, his blood had tones of the Alaskan wild. It showed itself in the black hues saturating his mid back in a saddle and was also on his face. A black strip on his muzzle fading into white the further it crept up his forehead. His black rimmed ears were perked and he stepped up to the male, his tail in a slow wag. Brother. He said quietly in greeting, hoping to break the older wolf’s reverie as gently as possible..

template by revo. <3


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