just go with the season
.: OOC :. Yay! It's a little shorter this time XD .: WC :. 715

He wondered, while he contemplated the stability of the rocks before him and the small foot holes nature created for his climbing pleasure, whether or not there had been any creatures like him in Cour des Miracles. Shandom could not regret his actions in the Court - it was only natural for a wolf like himself to be alienated and standoffish in a situation such as that. They created strange labels and ranks that did not make sense to the traditionalist man; how was he supposed to understand hierarchy if it didn't appeal to his natural instincts? For a while, he blamed himself and his own perceived lack of intelligence for the slower learning curve, until he realized that he was not the one at fault. Shandom had no desire to develop hard feelings to the Court of Miracles, but he could not help but question their methods. Living each day in such violation of the natural order of things could not sit well with the Gods. Even if the Gods created this virus, this sick thing that infested his bones, Shandom could not picture them desiring wolves to change their inner being.

It was strange, to contemplate such heavy things. Shandom's mind was constantly whirring and philosophizing; the wolf, as he aged, had become something of an intellectual. He'd heard rumors that some wolves learned to read and write as humans did, and he supposed that made them more educated creatures, but Shandom would rather chew off his foot than indulge in such strange behavior. At the meeting, Zalen had encouraged not ostracizing their Optime forms, and yet... The white male had no occasion to shift into that strange bipedal form unless it was, of course, for the magical realities of sex. He held no grudge against those who chose to do so - it was, after all, their own lives and decisions as long as they did not force it upon him - but Shandom would not change until it was absolutely necessary. The middling form, perhaps. It was close enough to his natural state, as it existed on four legs, but the sensation of his bones lengthening and popping was not something he was in love with.

As he sank further into reverie, the male was lucky to notice the faint scent of an approaching creature. He wrenched himself out of it slightly, though did not waver his gaze; it took him a moment to place the smell, and he was slightly concerned it might be an intruder, or someone who did not realize these lands were now claimed. Dark eyes narrowed momentarily, though his stance did not waver. The element of surprise was often a valuable one, and Shandom would not give it up if this creature were not of New Dawn. However, the scent soon placed itself in his mind, and, with his enhanced smell (due to the blindness), Shandom realized it was one of his pack mates. Turning at the newcomer's greeting, Shandom smiled kindly, drinking in the sight of another wolf. It was a relief to live among those on four legs.

Though he did not know this wolf's name, he was sure they would soon become acquainted, and hopefully friends. Zalen was correct when he called them a family at the pack meeting, and he hoped that would ring true. Two sets of milky fur stood in the valley, blending against the white of snow. If they remained still, and perhaps the viewer was slightly visually impaired, Shandom presumed they could melt into the snow, like they were not even a part of reality. He enjoyed that anonymity. My Brother, the male smiled, moving forward to sniff the male's body so as to become more familiar with the scent to prevent any confusion in the future. If this stranger would let him, he would also bump heads gently, a customary greeting in this four pawed form. Much better than the strange handshake. I am Shandom Nightslayer. May I ask your name? His voice was deep and soothing, like chocolate on velvet. The older man was lucky to have such a calming voice to counteract the intimidating look of his countenance. It would not do to be frightening in a land where he had no right to be.

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