white ford capri


'Angel' he replied with a polite dip of his head. Her words had been simple, yet submissive. Her ears were held low, brushing against the crown of her head. She, Gemma, hadn't offered offered a surname, so neither did the Spaniard. It was the rules of the game he played, alongside others of course. He enjoyed letting others pace the conversation themselves, Angel, as said many times before, enjoyed simplicity in life. If they offered a full name, he would also, if they offered only their personal name 'Angel' it was.

A few minutes of silence follow, Angel turned back to gazing at the lake. Various things ran through his mind, the gears turned constantly. After a while the silence between the two became irritating, and so Angel spoke. He was careful to weight up his words, making sure they weren't sudden and out of place. 'What brings you here, senyoreta?' the addition of the flavourful language wasn't uncommon when speaking with the male, such foreign words were often added to the more common language in these parts. While it held it's similarities with Spanish it was still it's own unique language. And for Angel it held even more culture, history and passion in it than it's mother language could ever wish for.

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