Trash upon the moon

sswm → 922 :: --

With no claims in any specific tier of work, he roamed these lands as he willed. His ways were frowned upon, though he had paid this no attention until he had come home one evening, with live treasure wrapped up in his gentle embrace. Alone, he was immovable as the mountain, and he didn’t know the taste of intimidation. The blonde man had always been one to assume that the dark King with the venomous eyes of olive hues had understood who and what he was when he had first named him his Protégé. Perhaps it was just the hint of undiscovered promise that had led the elder male on, mistakenly. Itachi cared little if it was possible for him to do great things, for it wasn’t his desire to make a change. He wished only to be carried away by the currents that were time. Ability was nothing without a driving force to steer the wheels, and there was very little that drove the exile Prince from Inferni.

The unnamed horse was with him today, for the silvery girl had insisted that he must allow the mare more exercise. The mount had been obtained in Freetown and brought home to Salsola along with slaves and other living treasures. It had been decided that the dune hued mare with the dark mane would be his, though he didn’t quite manage to see why he should have the need for a horse. It was quite possible that this was part of bribery, or perhaps an attempt to inspire him to make use of himself more of use in the pack. It wasn’t that he was unwilling to dedicate himself for their purpose, but he rarely felt the pull to involve himself unless it was requested of him. He could follow orders when they were given, but the Boss was a busy man and didn’t have time to make certain his previous Protégé kept busy with work that benefited the pack. It should have come natural because of Itachi’s high rank, but didn’t.

The horse was a decent creature without the need to rebel like some of the stronger willed stallions found in their stable. This suited the man just fine, for he didn’t have the ability to calm fiery spirits, and didn’t wish to have to fight to get a servant to follow his command. The crows he had taken to train were different, but they were clever creatures, and slowly, they were learning to obey the hand that fed them. But Itachi didn’t want tame birds for the sake of company and simple tasks. The savage creatures had been brought from Freetown to serve a bloodier purpose, and the training it required to make them excel at the task he wished to give them for the future was difficult to execute correctly. Once he managed to teach him what he desired, they would be of good use for the pack. It was unfortunate that no official co-rank existed for tending just to the birds, but it was a task that took time and effort, and it was about time the Confidant returned to the Boss to make this one task an official duty.

Trained eyes managed to guess the purpose of the black winged creatures by the borders of the lands he once had lived within, but he could easily be wrong. His intention was only to travel along the lay of the claimed lands. Interaction with previous pack members was unnecessary, he thought, and so he moved with the hope that he and his steed wouldn’t encounter any early birds as they moved close by the Anatheman territory. He took notice of the apparent expansion since he had lived here, and was mildly pleased to take note that the pack prospered without the high number of members that had abandoned it to create a new name for themselves. Anathema was considered an ally still, he thought he remembered, and with the spreading rumours of Salsola’s unacceptable ways, it was important to have nearby packs that spoke in their favour. If Anathema would pick up arms for Salsola’s cause was a completely different question. He didn’t think they would, but they were a friendly faction in the proximity, and the Family could make use of that.

Eyes of dusk and dawn alike stayed far ahead as the unnamed horse’s hooves stepped against shallow snow on top of hard packed earth and rock. Itachi’s gaze did not stray to betray the route they followed, though gilded, wolfish ears turned on top of his dark blonde head, searching for sound that interfered with the monotone white noise of the approaching morning. The lids hooding his eyes held weight, for he hadn’t slept for some time. But he thought it was more important he reached the borders of Salsola before he lay down to rest. The northern territories weren’t as hostile to him as they were to others, but it didn’t make the possibility much more desirable. It brought him an odd sense of comfort to settle down close to the muted song bird, temporarily tamed to stay by his side. He thought it was important to not take her for granted, for there was the slight chance that she might fly away once more, as she had in the past from the underground caves within Anathema’s mountain.

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