Lesson Time
Dalgina's tail wagged proudly as it was confirmed that Olnayni was indeed her name. Apparently it was a secret name, which puzzled the pup a little. She'd never thought of names being a secret. It sounded fun though, and Dalgina nodded her head eagerly. She would keep the secret. Nobody would learn Olnayni's secret from her! Another name was given to use when others were around. It was harder for Dalgina to remember, since it wasn't a word she was used to and she'd already assigned an identity to the white wolf. She would do her best though.

I don't have a secret name, but I have a secret hiding spot! Dalgina didn't know that her parents were actually fully aware of the small spot that she'd claimed as her own and let her keep it as a place to go to when she wanted to be alone. From a puppy's viewpoint the walls were high enough that nobody could see in. Above though, it was clear where the puppy was. Happily Dalgina trotted over to a small corner. A cardboard box laid there, the top folded back. Part of it had been chewed away, and that was where Dalgina squeezed in. See? Nobody can find me here.

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