Lesson Time
Pleased that Kiara liked her hiding spot Dalgina slipped back out. She watched as the white wolf messed up the pretty pattern she'd made, taken the blanket and placing it where she couldn't reach. She frowned a little, upset that it had been ruined. It had taken her quite a few minutes to set it up, an eternity to the small puppy. Trotting over she looked sadly at the bare floor where her beautiful blanket had been lain down.

Her attention was drawn back though as she was asked what tomorrow was. Dalgina's tail thumped happily. She knew that something big was going to happen, and now someone had finally confirmed it. It's something big! With lots and lots of [html] talnala[/html], and it's very important. Dalgina understood that what was happening would include more than just her own family, but beyond that it was just a blankness. Kiara seemed to know though.

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