Bring me to life

It was only be the luck of the draw that the grey scale woman had chosen to travel around that day in the for of beasts, the secui. It made her patrol much faster and soon the woman found herself finished with her daily duties. Now that Sage, the coyoteish daughter of Razekiel had taken over the rancher rank Jace was left with a lot more time to spend towards her other duties and her children. She was heading back to the house that she and Temo shared in Westville for a bit of well needed rest before her children saw fit to ply her with endless questions and requests for stories and songs and playtime. She loved her children but even mother's had enough sometimes.

The call of X'yrin however stopped her in her tracks and the small half dog woman brought her ears forwards listening for the sound. Danger! Water, ice cold. Shiloh That was the impression she got from it. Now that she was alert and listening she could hear a faint screaming, the sound of a child calling for its mother. The wolf dog was quick to respond, snow flying out from beneath her splayed paws. Compared to the snow of the arctic this was nothing, easily navigatable. Her colored form all but blue over the white iced water as she pushed herself to full sprint, many days of remembered treks across the snow covered sea ice flashed before her eyes and for a second she was back with her family, back with her birth pack running through the snow with an ease that was otherworldly.

The screaming got louder and louder all the time she got closer until finally she burst onto the scene her quick eyes taking in everything at once. Kiara pinning the distraught and crying Sarian, X'yrin pacing the bank of the river and the large slab of earth missing from its back that the water rushed up against. She didn't stop as she raced towards them, didn't even slow as she coiled her body up and leapt from earth into the air and then water. This water was not one she feared, only the ocean and lakes could do that to her. The pressure hit her first, the resistance of the current pushing against her, then a second later the cold did too, burning her eyes and nose with its fierce icy grip and yet she had not felt so alive since leaving her homeland.

The woman surfaced for only the barest of seconds to refill her lungs with air and then dived back under, searching for the form of the scarred wolf with which she held so many quarrels and hard feelings. The fast flowing water was murky with dirt and debris making her task that much more difficult. The longest she was kept from her goal the greater chance that she would not find Shiloh alive. Then, there! A head broke the surface and a weak voice called out. Jace let the flow of the river take her, forcing her down stream. She nearly crashed into Shiloh but managed to grip hold of the bank at the last second and keep from ploughing into the pregnant wolf. The cold only fuelled her efforts, taking energy from the icy grasp of it, for she was a wolf of snow and winter, surely the cold must also be her element.

Somehow she managed to grab the woman's neck in her jaws, clamping them shut around her scruff. It would probably hurt her but there was no other way she could get her onto the bank. She clawed at the muddy riverbank pulling the broken female with her. When the grasp of her jaws was no longer helpful, she let go and shoved Shiloh forwards with her head and body, using brute force to finally send her tumbling onto dry land and away from the dangers of the river. Good thing she had done too, for the bank underneath her front paws gave way at that moment, plunging Jace back into the depths of the water and forcing her head underneath the waves, filling up her nose with the stuff and momentarily blinding her. She was only taken a short way however before she managed to latch on again to the bank and pull herself out.

She was soaked through to her skin, both layers of her fur now useless to keep her warm and she shivered heavily, flopping onto the ground like a beached fish before coughing up the water that had been swallowed into her lungs. Which had been quite a lot for the short time she had been forced under.

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