The Dear Hunter

WC: 400+

Finn perked up at the familiar voice, her face brightening seconds before her eyes registered the wolf in front of her. The voice belonged to León Austral, she knew that. They had crossed paths weeks before, while Finn was still wandering the wastes. It had been a brief conversation, but friendly, words exchanged by two wolves with places to be and things to do, but had a little time to kill in between. It had been León who told her of the packs in this area, and now that she thought about it he had mentioned Anathema by name. How curious, that they should cross paths this way.

“A pleasure to see you again, León!” Finn said, nodding jovially. Good manners and kind words went a long way with Finn, and so she was heartened by the presence of a wolf she knew and rather liked. It made her feel just the smallest bit less alone in this wide, strange land. Alastair surveyed the other wolf with cautious eyes, but did not run. León had made an impression on the deer too, simply through the fact that he had not tried to eat him. Finn shouldered him companionably as she walked past, placing herself at a nearer distance to León and sitting back on her haunches.

“I was just trying to put this silly creature in with the horses.” She looked back at Alastair and frowned, “Something, bit him last night. I did my best to make sure the word got out that he wasn’t supposed to be made into a meal, but either someone wasn’t listening, or he’s been out in the loner lands and getting chewed on.” Her gaze now turned towards the mouth of the cave, “But I don’t think he wants to go in there, either. Caves aren’t exactly the natural habitat of deer, I suppose.” She sighed, considering the problem.

Loath as she was to restrict her friend’s freedom, she didn’t want him getting hurt either. The thought of Alastair dead and eaten started an angry little flame burning in her belly. Though a peaceable wolf most of the time, Finn’s fuse was short when it came to friends. Shaking herself from her thoughts, the she-wolf spoke aloud. “Got any ideas, then?” Her pale eyes focussed amiably on León. She was never one to refuse help or shoot down ideas, especially if she was at a loss herself.


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