I will not BREAK

SORRY, I am going to TRY to be quick with replies, I’m in SSWM too… Not as dedicated as I was last year -____- But I’m going to try not to screw it upp, so here we go =]

Axelle continued to circle him, taking in his stance, body language, and the energy in the air surrounding both of them. She circled to the side of him and stopped when he pulled out his sword. She stood a safe distance away and was still able to take in the characteristics of his weapon. The poor boy was trying to be in the correct stance, and it looked correct enough from Axelle point of view. The weapon he held looked a lot like her own katana. Sure, it had some variations, but all the right features that told her it was a katana. It seemed to be lightweight just like hers, and it had the same curve of the blade. She nodded as he stood there, kind of stiff again.

”Loosen up,” she commanded again, not even trying to sound like Alaki, but somehow pulling it off smoothly. ”Okay, what you got there..” She meant the blade in his hands, ”Seems to be something like a katana, if it isn’t one. I don’t know, I’m not an expert either.” She admitted to it. She didn’t want to lead the lad on, ”Anyways, I will teach you what I know as for body posture and movements.” She stepped back, taking in his corrected posture now, ”What do you know about sword-fighting already?” When Alaki taught her, she already knew some of the basics, though she was too tense and stiff when she actually faced an opponent. Practice managed to fix that flaw, and practice will help Mido a lot, too.

What Mido could know would make things a lot easier on her, if he knew anything at all about the skill. Axelle backed away from the man before her, and took her own sword out of its sheath and held it calmly in front of her. She held the object with both hands, straight out in front of her. The tip of the blade shook slightly as she was still working on having perfect balance and stillness. Though, stillness didn’t really matter as long as one was good with his or her own weapon and knew how to move and fight with it, but she wanted to achieve ‘Alaki status’. Balance was important, though, and footwork as well. She was still working on that, and now she would have someone to practice with instead of her invisible, peg-legged pirate with his wooden sword and cawing parrot on his shoulder.

”Well, either way you must know something about using a blade. Come at me, and let’s see what you know.” She used Alaki’s same method of teaching, as it was the only one she knew. He taught her well, she couldn’t complain. She hoped Mido wouldn’t be able to, either, after they were done. The lesson was not even close to being over, and she was already worrying about the end result. Axelle took a deep breath, and stood ready for Mido to make his move. She would be a worthy opponent for him, as she wasn’t a pro either. They would make mistakes together and learn together, if he wanted to.

Word Count: 519

Points: 5

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