These are our children

Word Count » 509

Enkiel was not presumptuous enough to question what it was that worked behind their Aquila’s mind. He had been a young man when he had returned and quickly forged a friendship (if one could call it that) with the jackal. They shared a medical interest, which was something Enkiel was glad for. With another capable healer able to be on the field, they would not endure such losses as previously suffered. Of course, some wounds could not be cured—one could not bring back the dead, after all. Still, he trusted that Ezekiel knew what he was doing. Gabriel had obviously seen something within the male, and time had proven this was not entirely untrue. Their numbers were stronger now than ever, and there was a slow-growing but present sense of familiarity between all of the members. If they learned to work and behave as a unit, then they would be unbreakable.

Of course, he recognized that such things were pipe dreams. Some people would never find kinship amongst this clan, and many would abandon them once warmer weather came. Enkiel remained carefully indifferent of such things. He was not a leader, not seen as such…and yet he was powerful in his own way, known, and this was truly all that mattered.

The main talent of Enkiel’s speech, came from the fact he was a foreigner. While Arabic was native to him, English was all he often spoke here…though he had begun teaching the kitten to respond in his native tongue to commands. It helped him remain fluent by talking aloud, though he doubted it would ever leave him. Common, now, that was harder. He processed words mechanically, though forming his own took finesse. It was because he spoke properly, and not with a dialect, that made his voice behave the way it did; while always a deep, throaty noise, the tempo of his words were slower than others. This was not to say he did not speak clearly, but some concepts (such as contractions) failed him.

A faint smile crossed his face, pleased by her arrogance. She was a true woman of this country—if she had behaved in such a manner like those mad-Arabs kept their own, her tongue would have been cut. Yet Enkiel favored strong women, if only for the fact he had never been a man challenged; he craved someone who would stand up to his demanding ways. the jackal admitted, glancing back to the children. The lighter of the two, the girl, had pinned her brother and was snapping at his ear. A sharp, yowling puppy yelp from the boy cause her to stop, but only long enough for him to turn and throw her off. “Who watches them while you train? They are surely growing too large for جدة to do such a thing regularly.” While Kaena was not incapable of such a thing, she was no doubt unable to keep up with the children if they chose to run off.

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