Bring me to life

Her lungs burned. There was water within them, within her ears as well blocking out a load of the sound. She felt teeth within her shoulder and barely heard X'yrin's pleading words, not understanding what she meant. She shook her head rapidly, soon her whole body following as she hauled herself to her feet to better expel water from the dragging saturated heavy fur that was now a hindrance with its thickness. Her eyes teared up from pain and the woman brought her head forwards and vomited forth a great torrent of water, the majority of what she had swallowed as she had been swept under. X'yrin would have to move fast if she wanted to keep her feet clean of the vomited up fluid.

Finally Shiloh's agonized cries could pierce the sanctum of her ears and the woman as well pulled back her audits to block out the pained sounds of the mother in labor. It was not even comparable to the hell raising screams that Jace had released during her own second successful birth but the pain within it, the tortured sounds, it made death's chill fill her body and sink into her bones, making her colder still. The small she wolf still shivered heavily but now the cold of her spirit had overtaken the freezing temperature of her soaking wet status. Before her eyes, wasted memories flashed, two small ones that had been murdered in cold blood, that had never lived to see their first sunrise or take a first breath. Dead before they had known life. Cold, steely hatred for Lucifer welled up from the pit of her soul and consumed the patchwork woman. The death of a child, no matter who be it's sire or dam was never a thing to celebrate and always an event to mourn.

Jace too raised her three toned head to the shadowy overcast sky, an echoing sorrowful call coming from her parted maw. All of her sadness, her fury and excruciating hatred, suffering, released in a single note of sound. Jace observed the same traditions that Kiara did, the mourning howl for a death. She had to leave, now. Before she made a fool of herself by breaking down in front of the woman she was less than friendly with, regardless of the life debt Shiloh now owed her Jace did not want to share her company for longer than she could. She was not a friend to Shiloh and she should not be present at such a disturbing occurrence, such things were reserved for people that loved and people that cared.

Now that her tribute of noise was over Jace moved away from the three woman, she watched with a heavy guarded expression as Shiloh spoke to both Kiara and X'yrin deciding whether to wait or not for her fellow prestige. Then a horrible thought struck her. Shiloh had not named her two children. To let your get travel into the beyond world without a name to guide them, Jace shivered for a whole new reason now. The thought of the two innocent deceased pups forever wandering, forever searching for a reason, for the truth filled her with dread. Then her own name came to her... Jace; The Protector, The Guardian, as a whisper within her mind, she looked to the sky and to the aurora that she could not see, that she was too far south to see. 'They are not mine to give a name to but I implore you Great Spirits, take the ones I give as their own and let them be their guides. A girl of dust and black, I name thee with hope; Malarka: Aurora of the Spirits. A boy of ashen dis-perfection, I name thee with life; Kailsol: Star Watcher. Take them well and bathe them in your warmth, pass them on to the Great Mother with care.' The coldness that had settled into her upon her realization disappeared slightly, she had done her best.

Looking at the sky as she was she missed Shiloh's smile to her, when the arctic woman finally did lower her head, Shiloh had passed into the black realm, the one of unconsciousness. Jace felt ill and acid bile prickled at the back of her throat. Maybe when they were free of the other two women's presence she would succumb to the feelings and lose what little she had left within her stomach. Such a horrible tragedy had unwound itself on this day, all of her old feelings stirred back up again, the presence of her children was sorely missed and Jace longed to run home to them all and pull them close, not letting them go ever.

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