Query and Echo
Remeber, shifting takes time to do, its not instantaneous info here

The sound of the voice of another had him pulling himself from the snow pile that he had so gloriously and spectacularly destroyed. The pile looked like a small asteroid had struck it and blown away most of the heap leaving just a crater in the middle with shallow walls around it. Emerald and purple eyes found the form of the one that had spoken to him, like a larger version of a fox was the youngish male that came up to his dusky pelted form. Lorenzo shook his entire body, sending snow once again flying and also spraying his new acquaintance with a small snowfall, Merry Christmas. His usual shy awkwardness seemed to have flown south for the winter as he glanced back as this foxy man and grinned, showing off white teeth.

"Yah bectcha I am." There was a few seconds of awkwardish silence where he didn't know what to say to the other before he blurted out "Ahm Lorenzo Knight. Ahnd yoo?" He hardly waited for the man's reply before his dual eyes turned to the hill he had just come down, it would be impossible to climb back up the way he had come down but what of the parked, rusted out vehicle shells that lined the street? The garden walls and fences that may possibly be climbed. His tail wagged high and friendly behind him as a new skittishness came into being within his chest. And his shoulders were lowered in play, showing his teeth in a friendly challenge to the much smaller male,

"Ah beet ah can geet to tha top afore you can." With that childish declaration Lorenzo was off, racing back towards the steep incline, his claws already slipping and sliding on the icy ground, climbing up the rusty metal would be difficult but not as impossible as sheer ice.

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