Give me what you can
It felt wrong exiting Nayru's den. Well, Nayru, Saluce and his new mate X'yrin's den. He'd held his son in his arms for a little over thirty six hours, and now he had to surrender him to someone who was far better equipped in looking after him. Temeraire had settled well with Nayru's clearly-not-full-wolf daughter Kahlo and Saul was pleased that his son might develop a bond with Nayru's sole child. The offers to stay in their den had bee futile to his ears- he needed first to take Hermes back to the stables and subsequently reacquaint himself with the ranch. Then he needed to go and find out what pieces of his family remained. Was Wretch still here? Did Melee and Range stay? It would perhaps crush him to find his whole family scattered and the young male had only just started putting his life back together. He'd told Nayru, briefly, about his encounter with Gideon in the backs of beyond. It was one of the reasons he'd been able to head for home with a relatively settled heart. He knew, without a doubt, that Shiloh had left with Lewis and while he had no idea where either of them were, at least they were together. The only one really missing now was Ascher, and thoughts of his chocolate brother caused pain to twinge at the young males heart.

He was list in his thoughts of his family and of the coming work ahead of him. He was always a determined and driven young man and the fact that he'd lost his prestige rank had been a blow to him. But he'd needed to go off and away from Ichika for a while, and it wouldnt have been fair of him to ask Nayru to refuse another who might be able or better at the job than he. He'd told Nayru his intentions of working back up to his original standing and she seemed to understand him. He was so lost in his ponderings, and evident planning, that the voice echoing in the night didnt make sense at first. He paused however, twisting his bipedal body and catching sight of a slimmer looking Jace.

"Jace! How did you find me?" He joked, stopping altogether and waiting for her to catch up with him. He noticed the subtle differences in her- her engorged breasts that told him without a hint of a doubt that her birthing had gone well and she was happily feeding her pups, the slimmer stomach that was testiment to those pups having been born. She looked happier, healthier, a little tired it seemed but otherwise okay. And it was really good to see her again.

word count;; 449

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