
Word Count » 505 :: Out of character text here.

She could tell the woman was thinking hard about something and she wondered what it was, but she let her reminisce, Eclipse was patient enough and she didn’t mind the quiet though she though she could hear voices too, but then that was most likely her imagination. She was no shaman she was a a cook, a gardener, someone who helped the plants grow, who would try to help replentish these dull lands. The woman finally broke the silence explaining why the spirits were attracted to her. In a way it was scary. If she died would she become one, would she envy the living, wishing and wanting to be alive again? To her that sounded like the worst hell ever. Looking at Zera with sad eyes she spoke in an almost hurt voice

“Can they not move on, leave the earth to be somewhere else, far more4 happier than a place where they wish to be alive again? That sounds like a horrible punishment.”

She watched the woman as she went back into memory lane. She waited. As a pup she jhad been impatient but as she grew she found herself not nereeding everything right away. It must have been a not so happy experience or a rather good one, though her answer didn’t tell Eclipse much of her experience. She nodded and understood. Eclipse was born a hunter. she wanted to be the best and now she was decent enough as any huntwer. Her passion was life itself though, to live was to kill adn to do that she would have to make something live in order to continue the cycle. Smiling at the woman she looked around herself. The dead lands that were covered in the snow

“I’m a Shonu, that’s gardener in rough meaning. I plant and grow things not just for the pack but to bring the animals in and back. I help the mother earth. It’s what I was born to do... I was also born to hunt and cook. My life is a big cycle”

She hoped the woman understood what she meant. Eclipse believed in Karma and her jobs were a big circle around that. yin and yang a powerful belief in the young womsns eyes but not everyone saw it that way. Many believed that if good came then there would be even more good, though that wasn’t how it was from what Eclipse had seen. After all from what she had learned about the fabled humans, they had made their lives easier, but in turn they were punished for the neglect they lay upon the lands. Eclipse knew that there had to be a limit of good and evil, of opposites that would bring out the calm of the world. She smiled shyly at Zera as she had drifted off in thought and nearly left the woman alone while Eclipse thought of this, reminding herself, then reminding herself that she was kinda to other’s beliefs so whatever one believed she wouldn’t put it down at all.

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