[M] Chaos Theory
Lovin' all the Greek references XD ♥

He'd be the first to admit the new normal was pretty weird. Somehow, in one measly cycle of the moon, his swinging bachelor pad had metamorphosed into a bustling hub of activity. The population — canine and equine — had doubled, leaving no room in the stable and the previously unoccupied distillery down to two vacancies. It was mind boggling.

Not that he minded his tenants, of course: Ezra fit right in with the boys, his kid was surprisingly helpful, and his mount got along alright with Jøren; even though he had some reservations about Lilin at first (primarily her chastising his behaviour with his female clientèle), he would (begrudgingly) admit the property benefited from her feminine touch. Not a single screwdriver, trowel, or lid was out of place — not only did it make Hilsburn more presentable, it also made it easier to work efficiently.

Although his guests usually left him unperturbed while went about their daily business and he could always escape to the relative calm of his garage, it seemed a breath of fresh air was in order. He enjoyed the company, and — since he still felt in charge of his space — would never say they were encroaching, but the little pocket of suburban Halifax was undeniably more crowded these days.

Somewhere deeper in the bowels of the city, he discovered he still wasn't alone. A clamour and a string of — shall we say — spirited language quickly captured his interest. From his perch on a gratified brick wall, he spotted a feminine, khaki-coloured figure hurling a rusted trash bin against a concrete wall. His ears slicked back as it clanged loudly against the indifferent structure, then (thanks to the new dent in its side) rolled unevenly away.

One hand rose to awkwardly scratch the shaggy hair beneath his worn cap before he called out: Such a lovely sounding language, 's a shame it seems you've nothing lovely to say! he remarked sympathetically, utterly uncertain as to whether or not she would understand his English.

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