
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.
Rain, Their den, Foredated to the 16th around 5:00 pm...Oh crap...Get out your pepper spray...It's a pre-heat cycle female. IT'S GROUCHY TIME! Slight powerplay of Rain, tell me if you want it changed ^ ^

It had been itching at her for a while, the feeling of that certain unrest that just couldn't be pushed away or forgotten. It was way later that Sam had found that Rain had already known Akira. He had not told her about Akira before, even that one time she asked. He had lived in Anathema just a little bit before they had become mates, in the pit of her stomach the female suspected that he was looking for Akira. And it was alright, he had his own personal life before the alabaster fae had come along. It was perfectly fine. Or was it? The bleached female was stretched out on the fur bedding, the dark hides ferociously contrasting with her stellar pristine coat. She knew Rain was somewhere in the caves, probably crafting something. It was sad to think that she herself got in the way of his work. Rain was everything she wanted in a man, he was sweet and gentle with her and never did anything to hurt her. These thoughts, this whirlwind of emotions and awareness was easily explained by the monthly cycle that all females had, most months Rain wouldn't even notice and thankfully so. She thought of the meeting with Akira, Akira was a nice girl, also much prettier than Samantha by far. Deep within the caves of Anathema, Sam was probably a dime a dozen. Her dark tipped tail seldom wagged, she found herself tired of constantly looking after the children. When she gave them what they wanted, they would be happy for a little while then ask for more. The dark tresses of the young female's hairs were tangled and stuck up in many places, the many scars over her body made her feel hideous to the eye. It would be bad to have Rain walk in on one of her weaker moments.

Maybe she was just overreacting. Her heat cycle was soon and she found herself retorting to words not so kindly to strangers and hiding away in her den. The cycle was an embarrassment. She didn't want it, it was simple. Samantha hated the aromatic smell she carried about in the wind. The torches went out, the fuel of animal fat completely used. Being in a lousy condition, the female let them go out. Sitting in the darkness and shadowy den, she said nothing and stayed still. The pups were out exploring the caverns and probably hanging out with Xyza, or "Auntie Xyza" as they called her. Xyza's help with the children was something to be grateful of, the ivory woman appreciated the babysitting. It was good to get a break out of the routine once in a while. Rustling in the corner of the room had her large ears perked and her azure eyes curious as she caught the sight of the brawny shadow of her mate. Offering a simple "Where have you been?" The female stood to walk over to his masculine and muscular form. Placing both hands on his chest and standing to gently nuzzle his neck, she pulled away and gently said "I want to talk...About something." In fact there was two things, her slight jealousy of Akira and how he viewed the pretty dark hued wolf. He probably knew of her recent "ailment", how the smell of her was stronger and more insatiable. But she didn't feel any spark, or any strong physical tie to her light splashed man. Not yet at least, and probably not for a few days. Without really thinking about it, the words flew from her maw. "How...What is Akira to you?" Turning away, the female said quietly "She's prettier than me...She's beautiful. And-And stronger. I am just a talking string bean. I can't do anything." The emotions began to flow and the words that fell from her tongue became more exasperated "I can't even fight! I don't even appeal to you do I?...I'm scarred all over the place and skinny...Ive got nothing. I'm weak and failing as a mother...I just don't know what to do. I love you more than anyone can imagine...It's just that I'm not good enough at this. I fail miserably" Her words were the truth, her curves from her last accident had diminished leaving her looking lanky and not a point on the attractive appealing side, it was probably true too. Rain never touched her in those ways, not that her life depended on it.  Sighing, Sam left his side to rekindle the fires, once up they casted a soft umber glow over the floor of the cavern. Sitting on the edge of the mattress, she placed her head in her hands and softly began to sob.

Samantha  Jarret

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