Tomorrow Never Knows
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When he looked to her with glaring eyes, X’yrin simply stared right back, unrelenting and firm as she waited for whatever protest this fool had for her. He might have insinuated all was well with him, perhaps try and soothe her with warm words, but she would not fall for them while her concern for him trumped all. She was patiently waited for his retort holding his gaze with her softening own until he slipped from her grasp and instead of retaliating, let his head rest upon her leg.

His confession disturbed her because she knew that what he said was true. Their able bodies had lessened with the new mothers tending to their offspring which had left the able Envoy’s to pick up the slack left behind. But Saluce had ran himself ragged more than most, caring for two females as well as himself and now these pups under their watch and care. Perhaps this was the reason she had not been blessed with life, she wondered. The responsibilities of caring for the pack outweighed her desire for children. Perhaps this was a sign from her ancestors that this was not her time to bear children. Not when there was much to be done for their home. The revelation did not brighten her mood any, but it did grant her an awareness to their present situation.

As his head slipped lolled onto her stomach, she brought a hand down to his cheek, gently caressing his wild fur as she let her beloved rest. “Perhaps this was the reason I do not have our children,” she sighed softly, trailing the tips of her claws along his jaw. “It was not meant to be. Not with everything that must be down to care for our brethren. Despite our want… it was…simply not our time.” Her words were laced with sadness yet a smolder of hope manifested from the ash of disappointment. Such a small…flickering thing. “And at least now,” she continued braving a soft smile for her mate. “I can take care of you until you are well again. How long have you been ill, my ompre?”

ooc: 356 words.


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