casting such a thin shadow
his arm is the only real problem, right?

Bleach had seen all manner of scars and modifications throughout her life. Only a few of them acquired their scars for noble reasons, and even fewer were those who kept the stories to themselves. She observed Skoll and his many scars, and suspected that he was in the minority. With a renewed smile, the woman began to swirl her hair into a bun again while her feet dangled in the gentle, rushing water. She didn't want him to feel bad; he seemed like a nice, respectable fellow and she was probably too paranoid for her own good.
"It's perfectly fine," she assured him with the wave of her hand, then added, jabbing her thumb at her chest, "Bleach Evers." Observing him for a few moments, she took in the rather recent-looking injuries covering him. Her yellow eyes lingered on his arm, and she cringed, slightly, out of pity. She could imagine the pain. The sight made her remember the few herbs she had back at her den that were perfect for pain and infection. But since the wounds had already begun the process of healing, was there some reason that Skoll had not been treating them? Her expression became concerned.
"Are you having much pain?" she asked, gesturing at the wound.


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