Duty and family
OOC: Just north of Salsola borders, close enough to be slightly suspicious to paranoid Salsolans but not close enough to be threatening.

Regner trudged through the snow aimlessly, not heading in a specific direction but just staying within a certain area, and hated every minute of it. It was partially the cold, partially the seeming uselessness of his task, to try and find and question a member of the pack he had scented south of here without appearing threatening to their borders, but it was mostly because what he was doing went against every fibre of his body.

Regner did not want another pack. The Broderskab was his home and what he had done, that he had fled and survived rather than die fighting, did not sit well in his stomach. It was a betrayal in his eyes, pure and simple, and it was being compounded by this latest venture; seeking out a new pack. An insult to the memory of his dead family, a show of cowardice by being afraid to die alone, Regner could spend hours thinking of ways to describe his distaste with the situation.

And then a small sound, a barely audible snuffle, reminded him of why he was doing this, why he was insulting the memory of his dead brethren. One great hand lowered down and peeled back Regner's thick cloak, temporarily revealing Regner's burden. His granddaughter, Adelle. Barely two months old and completely dependant on an old man for survival in the middle of winter; not a good outlook. She was why he searched for a pack, for protection, for food, for warmth, for a family that would be around after he was gone.

At the moment Adelle was dozing in her harness at Regner's side; the warmth generated by his own body and his cloak making it the safest place for her. Gently Regner lowered his hand to her face, inwardly marvelling at how small and fragile she was as one finger stroked her brow gently, and spoke softly to her, his normally gravelly voice taking on a crooning edge to it as he did so,[html] "Søvn lille, vil alt være bøde."[/html] Then he abruptly closed the cloak again, pulling it shut and insulating Adelle against the wind as best he could.

With a sigh and a groan Regner raised the staff he used to aid his walking and banged it into the ground, leaning heavily on it as he took a few steps. Standing still had let the cold get to the wound on his leg, the jagged scar that had put him out of commission while his home and life had burned. Even now, nearly a month later with the actual wound having long healed it still ached and impaired his movement; Regner had a suspicion that it would do so for the rest of his life.

Good, in his opinion. A reminder: of his failure, of his past.

With a final sigh Regner pushed these thoughts to the back of his mind, pulled his hood back up over his head and trudged forwards, cutting a steady trail through the snow as he continued on his quest. He was used to cold conditions and had the combined heritage of two cold weather breeds to fall back on, he could stay out here for a long time yet and if he had to do so he would.

Adelle was all he had left, he was not going to fail her.

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