That is quite fine hun. And I would say that if it can be done realistically then to go ahead. Characters end up changing because of their experiences. So you can easily work something into the history, some sort of event or what not, which will cause a change to the character. Uhm... for example, Bastion has always been selfish but as of late he has started to care for others (granted it is only a select two but it is still a big step for him) since Janos asked to be a family and brought in a pup for Bastion to take care of. With Bastion he had only kept the pup (as he normally would have killed it and drank the blood to enhance his own life) because Janos asked to and so the pup had started out as just a reward to Janos for being such a perfect servant. But the more time Bastion had started to spend with Janos and the pup then the more they grew on him.

So yeah, characters can end up changing. Honestly I find it to be silly if their experiences don't change them. So I say that hey, if you can explain it and it makes sense then go for it. After all someone can't go through something traumatic and come out all bubbly and happy (unless on the off chance that the brain represses the memory and then it would be like the event never happened since it is unable to be remembered). So yeah, I believe your experiences make you who you are.

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