The cracks begin to show
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It was the scent of a rabbit, female from what Anu could detect from the small hint of pheromones. Experienced told her that there was not point in following it, the scent was too cold for her to have any positive outcome by trailing it. Yet, she wondered if it would lead her to anything interesting at the least. Perhaps a small den, or even simply a game trail. But it was mostly the lack of anything else to take her mind away from it that made the Dreamer continue her tracking.

She was oblivious to the fact that she may not be alone, lost in her own thoughts. It was not until the faint noise of a tree above her, that Anu paused. She did not look up, trying to find the maker of the noise with her ears alone. Maybe it was just a squirrel. Her nose took a deep inhale, but all she could smell was dirt and old rabbit. Then, the tumbling began and she shot her eyes upwards and to the side. A blur fell from to the ground, and she stood startled and surprised. Blue eyes watched until the beast disappeared into the undergrowth and onto the ground. Anu stepped two paw steps closer, hesitant and watching.

Anu wanted to rush to the creature, to see if he or she were okay. The fey had climbed many trees in her younger years, and she knew how it felt to fall. But she had been hurt too many times to no be weary. First she took in the situation, nose working to figure out what pack the canine belonged to... None. And a male as well. Anu stepped closer once more and finally called out to him. Are you alright? She could still not see him due to the forest's cover, but she thought she heard him stirring.


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