white washed walls
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The weird word used put Frodo a little on edge, but he pursed his lips defiantly and managed to understand the next string of words directed at him. When the other wolf sniggered, Frodo merely shrugged his narrow shoulders as if he didn't care. It did make him wonder what Angel was sniggering at, however he made no comment whatsoever. Because of his lack of experience, he wasn't really sure what the term hand-to-hand meant, and he had no use of knives... too deadly for his taste. His aim was to disarm, disable and maybe knock out an opponent, but would never kill. With his short sword it meant he could "fence", or sword fight with another, before removing their weapon and pointing the sword at them. But he'd never strike another dead.

Uh.. he pondered for a moment, wondering how to answer. With sticks! he finally declared. They could thwack and wack each other to their hearts content, without much danger of death, just bruising. He flashed a knowing smile and then tottered off to the shore, bringing back two firm sticks. He placed the longer of the sticks in Angel's hand, as Angel was much more suited, and in his own he had a more lightweight, smaller stick. But it would still be useful, he declared. Enguard! Frodo joked, falling into a half-crouch and pointing the stick outward. Then he shook his head and straightened up, all-serious now. Hit me, flopsy's cottontail!! he suggested.


Wordcount :: 246

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