Bring me to life

Far off Aleo stalked the large buck, crouched down in his obsidian Lupus form, as he moved a twig snapped under his feet. The deer startled and lifted its head to look around with wide brown eyes. The ebony beast licked his chops, a salmon-colored tongue brushed against his muzzle. His intent was to kill the creature and drag it home as a feast for his family, to keep them healthy and far from starving. He knew that Shiloh was off somewhere, the slightest bit of worry was felt from the coywolf, but it was only for a little while anyway. Tensing up the strong muscles of his hind-legs, Aleo sprang at the large herbivore, hanging I with teeth and claws attempting to take down the grazing creature. For a few moments Aleo fought it, snarling in frustration as he tried to take the beast down. It kicked and buckled under his weight soon enough, just a little stunned from the attack of the large canine. Far off a cry of terror was heard, startled Aleo turned away from the prey he was attempting to kill. The voice was familiar, and soon he knew it to be the voice of Shiloh. His attention was taken from the deer in a blink of an eye, he neglected to see the creature getting up and felt a stabbing sting on the corner of his muzzle. It had kicked him, leaving a u-shaped bleeding wound on his maw. It didn't do anything to frighten the d'Lanri. Aleo left the area in a frantic search for his mate. "Shiloh!" He called from the trees searching frantically with dark purple eyes.

Aleo looked for a few minutes, racing around the area searching for her scent in the wind. Soon enough he caught sight of a small group, a woman leaving with Sarian and the multi-hued Yaksuko nearby. His eyes widened in fright, seeing a pile of silver and ivory fur laying in a defeated pile on the ground. He shifted to his Optime form, this shift was more painful than other times, the cut on his face was stretched painfully into shape. He didn't feel the pain, only fear for his mate's life. He crouched down beside her and noticed her breathing, she was alive! But unfortunately his blood children were not. Painful guilt and grief overcame the usually stony man. Small tears fell from his eyes, hands probed her small body with the softness of feathers, feeling the damage done to her body. "No...Shiloh. No... Stay alive for me!" As gently as possible, he picked up her broken unconscious body. Dreading the thought that she was like a limp ragdoll. He held her body in the most gentle careful ways, not wanting to further hurt his mate. He noticed Kiara and nodded, signaling that she should go back home and he would handle carrying Shiloh back. His tongue brushed Shiloh's cold wet face, he had to get her home and tend to her more serious wounds and keep her warm.


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