The meaning of trade

OOC: Smile sorry for the lateness./ WC: 246

Deirdre’s ears twitched back against her skull as she eyed the dog, “I never said anything about a horse.” She stated coldly turning her gaze slowly to the would be goods, “as for the book…I do not necessary need them, so they are not my main concern.” She turned to face the other female, “Tell me about these favors.” She began, her gaze slowly falling away to look about her. The female sighed, “All I really need is the satchel, and the mortar and pestle. But if you have neither then there is no real need for any form of trade.” She returned her gaze to Amy.

“The satchel is the main item I wish to purchase and depending on its condition we will barter for it that way. However, the condition of the satchel will be unimportant if I find other goods to go with it that would equal the amount the satchel would be worth if it was in good condition.” As she spoke the she wolf slowly began to wonder if she had been making any sense. She knew she had the habit of speaking nonsense or stirring confusion upon another, but sometimes the she wolf had difficulty in establishing what she thought into her speech. The she wolf sighed and lowered her ears against her skull.

“You know, lets just start with the satchel and make our way from there.” She eyed the other female and offered her a soft friendly smile.

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Table by Sorin. Original codes by Tears, Bones, and Desire. Photo credits: flickr

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