Give me what you can

Not a problem deary <3

It was good to be home, Saul recognised the feeling of happiness seeping back into his bones after the last few months away. While he had felt the need to leave this time his siblings had gone, he also recognised the fact that he wouldn't leave again. The feeling of happiness and contentment were too strong for him to ignore- this was where he belonged. His tail swirled back and forward as Jace came to a stop in front of him, a thick coat surrounding her. He hadn't caught the accessory for a moment before the sheer whiteness had caught his eye- Jace was not a pure white colour and therefore the coat had once belonged to someone else. He could also pick up the faint smell of wet coming off of her and Saul wondered why she'd allowed her coat to become saturated in these freezing temperatures. Surely that wasn't good for her.

He was pleased to see her good natured attitude had not changed as she shot back a teased remark that Saul chuckled at. "Of course, I forgot the all seeing, and all knowing, powers that are Jace Wolfe." He returned, a hand reaching out to pat her shoulder awkwardly. It wouldn't be appropriate to gather her up in a hug right now, despite the way his arms ached to cuddle her. He'd grown close to Jace in the months that Ichika had been together and he was sorry that he'd left in the autumn. He shouldn't have gone, but it had felt necessary. She smiled up at him before explaining what had really happened. "Ah, I see. And yeah, she summoned me to her den since she couldn't come to me." He offered in return, referring to Kahlo.

He had no idea whether to tell Jace about Temeraire. She would, just as Nayru had done, asked if he was Siku's. And Saul would have to tell her that his son did not come from the white woman- he'd in fact come from a one night stand. But he was his son none the less. Before Saul worked up the courage to admit to his mistake, Jace continued in a soft voice. He nodded softly, biting back the lump in his throat. "I did... I found Siku only a few days into my mission. And then I found Gideon not long after." He said, the pain in his voice giving away that there was more to the story than simply finding both of them. "Jace... I have a son. His name is Temeraire." He spoke quickly, willing himself not to bottle it. Jace would understand when he told her what had happened, he knew she would.

word count; 449

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